Prayer For a World Awash in Blood

Halfway through 2024 …

  • A deadly stalemate continues in Ukraine, with no end in sight.
  • In Palestine, we see a bleak future for Gaza and the West Bank as the spectre of a wider Middle East War looms ever larger.
  • In Yemen and the Red Sea, rising tensions threaten peace and international security.
  • Civilian casualties mount as government forces battle Fano militia in Ethiopia’s Amhara region.
  • In Sudan, thousands starve as a long war drags on.
  • In the Democratic Republic of Congo, fighting in North Kivu province has sent over 1.7 million people fleeing their homes, driving up the number displaced in Congo by multiple conflicts to a record 7.2 million.
  • In Myanmar, the Rohingya genocide intensifies as war ages in Rakhine state.
  • In Haiti, Kenyan police struggle to impose order as criminal gangs and vigilantes battle in the streets.
  • In Mexico, deadly political and criminal power struggles continue.

Holy God, we who are surrounded by voices raised in protest and in anguish bring before you the wrongs from which humanity still suffers. Remembering that you are the Creator of the whole human family, we pray for those upon whom are inflicted the cruelties of war: those who are killed, maimed, and made homeless by armed conflict; those who are mistreated by members of occupying forces; those who are brutalized by what they are ordered to do; those who are forced to fight against their conscience.

We pray for those who are denied their liberty: those who are persecuted for their religious views; those compelled to live and work as slaves; those denied access to education and health care. Make us more open to new ideas—and more able to see the face of Christ in the face of every neighbour.

We pray for those who stand against injustice and oppression: those who protest publicly; those who rouse opinion by their speech and writing; those who bring just concerns to the attention of politicians and others in authority. By the power of your Holy Spirit, make them willing first of all to appeal to the judgment and the conscience; guide them as they ponder whether to use violent means to right extreme wrongs; preserve them from corrupting those whose cause they take up—from destroying some while liberating others.

Great, mysterious, Triune God, we thank you for standing with us as we work for justice and peace—for it is difficult work. In many cases it seems that we can only have one without the other: peace, at the cost of perpetuating injustice; or justice, at the cost of a broken peace. O God, show all people how they can strive for justice without recourse to the violence of war; and—if a nation must go to war—may it not cause more evil than it seeks to remove.

O God, speak strong words of courage to those who must live out their lives facing challenge as it comes. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name.


From a spirit of contention which would destroy our unity;

Good Lord, deliver us.

From a spirit of rage which would destroy our love;

Good Lord, deliver us.

From a spirit of despair which would destroy our hope;

Good Lord, deliver us.

From pride of self which leaves no room for your Spirit;

Good Lord, deliver us—for Jesus’ sake.



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